Dr. Ken Neill, nice puppy drum
Redfish Action
As we have officially entered spring, the Redfish action in the shallows is notably good. Anglers are finding success using 3-4 inch swimbaits on 1/8-1/4-ounce jig heads or fresh cut bait fished on the botten. The Elizabeth River, Rudee Inlet, and Lynnhaven Inlet are all yielding solid catches of Reds on the Southside. Captain Todd Beck and guest, on Knot Wish’n Charters has been enjoying great action in Rudee Inlet.

Stan Simmerman with a nice little speck!
Trout Bite
With the warmer weather, the Trout bite is picking up significantly. Stan Simmerman reported catching some nice specimens on the Peninsula side. Long Bay Pointe Bait and Tackle says to look for them in the shallow backwaters and creeks inside Lynnhaven inlet.

Wreck Dawg Sport Fishing, great ocean togging season!
Tautog Bite
Long Bay Pointe Bait and Tackle reports that the Tautog bite is improving at the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (CBBT). The key to success is targeting areas with hard cover, such as the island rocks and the structures of the bridge tunnel. For bait, crab is recommended if available, otherwise, shrimp and clam are effective alternatives.
Black Drum and Red Drum
The Black Drums have made their arrival on the Eastern Shore, bayside and ocean, accompanied by a few large Red Drum. Look for them along the channel near Cape Charles. Fresh Clam is your best bait.
Flounders are starting to show up in the inlets and coastal bays on the Eastern Shore. Some anglers have already limited out using squid and minnows for bait. As the season progresses, the Flounder population is expected to increase, providing more opportunities for successful fishing trips.
Overall, with the onset of spring, Virginia’s saltwater fishing scene is vibrant and promising. Anglers are encouraged to take advantage of the favorable conditions and the abundance of various species available for catching. Tight lines!