As the air grows crisp, Virginia’s waters become a haven for anglers seeking to get in on the fall fishing season. Virginia’s fall speckled trout season is in full swing. They are feeding on shrimp and minnows near marshes. Shrimp hooked under a popping cork, jigs, plugs and topwater baits are all productive.
Long Bay Pointe Bait and Tackle is at the heart of the excitement, hosting the month-long Lynnhaven Troutzilla Tournament from November 10 to December 10, a competition dedicated to speckled trout fishing inside Lynnhaven.
Details: Lynnhaven Troutzilla Tournament.

Rick and Mike for an epic day on the water with a double-citation catch—a 10 lb Sheepshead and a Red Drum!
Puppy drum are also making a strong showing in the same areas, eagerly biting on the same assortment of baits. Meanwhile, a few formidable large red drum continue feeding in the lower Bay, providing a challenging reward for those fishing the 3rd island area of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. Sheepshead, tautog and flounder are still biting inside the Bay. The tautog bite is really picking up.
Lots of school-sized striped bass are available around lighted bridged and piers.
Offshore bottom fishing continues to produce seabass in good numbers and a few large flounder, some bluefish and triggerfish.
Little Tunny and Atlantic Bonito are thick on several wrecks, The Hanks, Gulf Hustler, Stanchion, and Windmill Monopiles. 14 miles out, schools are busting glass minnows on the surface.
Further offshore, trollers might find some Yellowfin, Bluefin or Big Eye Tuna with a warm water eddy close by. Most are successfully targeting swordfish and tilefish.

Playin Hookey Charters, 46-pound Golden Tile fish
VBSF reports brought to you by Long Bay Pointe Bait and Tackle. Long Bay Pointe Marina and Coastal Fiberglass.