Dr. Ken Neill said purple was the preferred color. He caught a half dozen in the 18–20-inch range. Pulled off about the same.
If you are looking for some winter fishing action, here are some tips.
The Chesapeake Bay water is cold at 44.4 F, so you might want to head offshore where the big Sea Bass, Tautog, and Flounder are biting.
You can catch Black Sea Bass in February if you have a recreational permit. Visit the VMRC website to learn more about the rules and limits.
Some anglers are taking advantage of the recent warm weather, and catching Trout and Puppy Drum in the rivers.

Sea Breeze Charter action
On the OBX’s of North Carolina, there has been some good Trout action. You can also find some Puppy Drum and Stripers. If you like Black Drum and Sheepshead, try fishing near the Bonner Bridge.
Offshore, there are plenty of Tunas to catch, both Bluefin and Yellowfin.